
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello everyone out in blogger land. It has been a few days since the last time I was on here. Not alot has happened around here. Life goes on as they say. Was told about this site --
It has its possibilities. Can take a bunch of words and make a word picture out of it. Only way to save them is with a screen shot tho. Been spending my time trying to get some of this data on my computer saved. Been uploading alot of my pictures to skydrive online. Its connected to my hotmail account.

Went to  my first Mardi Gras in Fl this weekend.  It was ok. Not a huge party type person. To much drinking and no money to do much. Parade was ok.  Got a few beads from it.  Alot of grabby hands. Some of the throwers threw them a bit hard. Smarts a bit
when getting smacked upside the head with them. 

Doing my best to post the sales i find on facebook and twitter for the shops at and  Please don't forget to check out Arwens Graphic Designs at both links.  Any suggestions or request just give me a holler on here or on those sites. 

Think this is a good ramble for a min. Has things to do. Take care out there in blogger land. Till next time

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