
Thursday, January 17, 2013

The news of the moment

Hey all out in blogger and net land. I know its been a few days. Life in general has a way of getting in the way of things sometimes. If yall know what i mean. The usual shop stuff going on. Added some great Valentines things to both. Made a sale tonight :),726666352 
Thank you who ever you are. It's a proud moment when a sale is made. Means alot to me. It's an awsome feeling knowing someone likes 1 of your designs.

Been doing alittle reading at night.  Hoping to get a tiny bit of reading done before bed actually. Got this book from the library that I hope I get to finish this time. I read part of it in a collection of stories. The kind that get you hooked and interested. I'd finally gotten to interlibrary loan it and I ended up moving.
So now that I'm here in Florida I figured wth lets look for it. Well when I finally remembered who wrote it. The book is called Narcissus In Chains by +Laurell K. Hamilton. +Anita Blake vampire hunter. Got me hooked she did. It's an adult book tho. Has some sexie moments that aren't pg. Good thing I'm an adult  hehe.  It was one of those I knew i'd know it if i saw it. It just took searching out the library to do it :)  And then I didn't look up so I ended up harrasing a librian to find the book i wanted. Hehe what can I say.

Doctor Who has been on the +bbc radio 4 extra for the past 2 weeks on their sci fi hour. All new ones this week at least. Not sure about last week. Tonights was really good. The poor doctor got blown up. The guy on the radio said looks like a short episode tomorrow night. I know it looked bad for the good doctor but theres no way hes dead to friendly fire no less. Tomorrow nights show should be really good.

Nos Da time.
Enjoy till next I rambles away.

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