
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


 Sometimes I wonder about things.  I mean why isn't there an easier way to do things sometimes.  Like on here and the gadgets.  I can add html but I can't add html to a gadget and get it so it stays on my page. I know after a certain amount of post those will have to be redone. 

It's just frustrating sometimes.  I forgot how to add a gadget on here.  Once I remembered how it didn't matter.  Made a lovely +Celtic Dragonfly. Right now it can be seen at + 
When I can I will add it to the shop at +CafePress 

I didn't realize you can change the background on +twitter.  Sasha my roomie discovered that one.  So I took a minute and did it.  Shes exploring twitter now.  Up to 230 followers I think it was.  I figure the more the merrier to get the word out :D

Figured out the pricing on cafepress.  It is going to be a long range project because there is alot of editing that will have to be done.  I'll get there.  My computer has had some wonkie moments.  Cursor has fits. Even when the mouse is unplugged and I'm not touching anything.  Way weird and frustrating let me tell yas.  

Trying to work on some more celtic designs as well as St Paddy days designs.  And what ever else strikes our fancy in the mean time.  Reminds me if anyone has a personal they want added to the shops just let me know.  I can make things private so just you can get that mug with you child's name or photo.  Customization is something we are willing to do. Just haven't had anyone take us up on it yet.

Okies has things to do and never seems to be enough time to do them. Take care out there til next time.

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