Today is like any other. With troubles and without.
Mike said hes mailed me a card today :) Some good.
I put the BBC on early so I can hear the last Dr Who.
Think I've decided no more myspace. None of the things I try to upload with HTML do NOT work. Gets a bit frustrating. I've facebooked,twittered, and now blogged today.
Last night I had gimp issues. For some reason no matter what I did it wouldn't work. The eraser refused to erase down to transparency. It erased the color. Oi. But nothing else. The weird thing is I tried today and it worked. Go figure.
Birds are driving us nuttsa. Non stop, LOUD, tweet tweet tweet. Free birds anyone? Keep threating to toss the 4 legged hairy monsters in the cage.
Aka the cats :D
This is weird. Not sure what I'm listening to on the BBC but its crazy. Kinda funny, but crazy. Oh it's "Elephants to Catch Eels."
Dr Who starts with the return of an old enemy.
Lets see what we hear. It's a BBC radio 4 program.
Sounds like a couple is on holiday on Mars and gets into trouble. Was a start of a Ice warrior story. Now the couple found some frozen ice warriors.. They're in TTTRRROOOUUBBBLLLEE.
Yuppers was real ice warriors. Wonder how the good Doctor comes into it. Ahh the Tardis took em there.
Without the good Dr knowing it. Oh its good the tourists didn't get dead.. They somehow got to be prisoners. There was a Marchon teraforming project but it got canceled. The good Dr likes the atmospheric reionizer for some reason tho.. I think thats what woke the giant ice warrior turtles up. Oh look at that harold the prisonor thinks he can send out some kinda message threw his hearing aid. Who Knew :D
Oops busted. The good Dr is getting questioned by the tour guide. OH its all based on the tour guides archilogical research. EEek security is being called.
Oh Harold got his MSG out. Ut oh he got busted.
Don't say that Harold they'll kill you and the wife. Silly Harold you should know betterer. Ouch that sounded painful. AAwww that poor man got killed. Poor Harold has guilt for that one now. Oh theres a hidden chamber. There you go the good Dr is doing a scan of the shuttle. And they show that they weren't human.
The good Dr wants to try to talk to the Ice Warriors. Wonder if he can get ahold of them. Rofl.. He just told them they were about to be invaded by martians. Hey I think I spelt that right. Oh dear Harold and the others are over heating. The ice warriors weren't happy about that.. Historic moment what a dork.. He wants the bad guys to visit o.O
The Ice Warriors want on the moon base or captives will die. Hey this chick sounds like Jane Way from star trek :D Oh ang on I hear swagbux has a free offer.
OOH NOOO they took Harold for execution. Sounds like the good Dr has taken a moon buggie to the shuttle. Who knew.. Oh dear there goes Harold I think. Hey no torchering Harold.. He didn't do nothing. The good Dr made it to the Ice Warriors.
Zaporized or zaporized what options.. Who knew..
Go chickie companion and help the good Dr. Your kidding me .. the password was password. Hey the professor isn't supposed to have a weapon.. that isn't right he used it on townsend.. Yea I know I probably spelled it wrong.. O.O eeek.. not sure who they killed.. It cant be the good Dr..
30 mins to go. What will happen. Harolds still alive but bleeding. Everyone on the shuttle is roasting to death.. One of the ice warriors have been hurt tho.
That lousy traitor turned Townsend in ... Oi .. Margaret thinks they won't make it. Woot the Dr has survived. Knew he couldn't be dead woot. Townsend is under lockdown. And Janeway sound alike wants to know all about the ice warriors.. The security leader wanted to know why the professor would want to disable the thingie they were using for a weapon.. I say its cause he wants to protect the last of the ice warriors.. Hell sounds like hes an ice warrior want to be.
Oh dear it sounds like the security team as perished and now they are trying to evacuate. Go get em Dr.
Ice warrior doesn't understand why the Dr didn't kill him. Oh the professor is up to no good.. Not sure what just sounds like he is. The good Dr depressurized the area and the ice warrors are having trouble breathing.. They want their world back and don't care if they kill to do it.. Well dang the Dr said that theres a few more of them in the asteroid belt and when they wake they leave and create a new home world.
Yup that professor is nuttsa. Hes shot the security chief. And lowered the temperature. All to study the live versions.. What a dork. The icy ones will deff kill him. The Twit.. Damn it.. Lost Net :(
Missing a good story I am... I think i'll have to listen tonight.
Well its a bit later.. The net was down for a bit... And the end of Doctor Who was missed.. Its on again at 6pm my time so hoping all goes well and it can be listened to again. Enquiring minds want to know what happend to the giant ice warrior turtles with attitude :D
Ok I think this is enough of a silly blog for today. I'll try for a more sensible one later on or tomorrow..
Byes for now.
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