Hey all out in blogger and net land. I know its been a few days. Life in general has a way of getting in the way of things sometimes. If yall know what i mean. The usual shop stuff going on. Added some great Valentines things to both. Made a sale tonight :)
Thank you who ever you are. It's a proud moment when a sale is made. Means alot to me. It's an awsome feeling knowing someone likes 1 of your designs.
Been doing alittle reading at night. Hoping to get a tiny bit of reading done before bed actually. Got this book from the library that I hope I get to finish this time. I read part of it in a collection of stories. The kind that get you hooked and interested. I'd finally gotten to interlibrary loan it and I ended up moving.
So now that I'm here in Florida I figured wth lets look for it. Well when I finally remembered who wrote it. The book is called Narcissus In Chains by +Laurell K. Hamilton. +Anita Blake vampire hunter. Got me hooked she did. It's an adult book tho. Has some sexie moments that aren't pg. Good thing I'm an adult hehe. It was one of those I knew i'd know it if i saw it. It just took searching out the library to do it :) And then I didn't look up so I ended up harrasing a librian to find the book i wanted. Hehe what can I say.
Doctor Who has been on the +bbc radio 4 extra for the past 2 weeks on their sci fi hour. All new ones this week at least. Not sure about last week. Tonights was really good. The poor doctor got blown up. The guy on the radio said looks like a short episode tomorrow night. I know it looked bad for the good doctor but theres no way hes dead to friendly fire no less. Tomorrow nights show should be really good.
Nos Da time.
Enjoy till next I rambles away.
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Thursday, January 17, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Today is like any other. With troubles and without.
Mike said hes mailed me a card today :) Some good.
I put the BBC on early so I can hear the last Dr Who.
Think I've decided no more myspace. None of the things I try to upload with HTML do NOT work. Gets a bit frustrating. I've facebooked,twittered, and now blogged today.
Last night I had gimp issues. For some reason no matter what I did it wouldn't work. The eraser refused to erase down to transparency. It erased the color. Oi. But nothing else. The weird thing is I tried today and it worked. Go figure.
Birds are driving us nuttsa. Non stop, LOUD, tweet tweet tweet. Free birds anyone? Keep threating to toss the 4 legged hairy monsters in the cage.
Aka the cats :D
This is weird. Not sure what I'm listening to on the BBC but its crazy. Kinda funny, but crazy. Oh it's "Elephants to Catch Eels."
Dr Who starts with the return of an old enemy.
Lets see what we hear. It's a BBC radio 4 program.
Sounds like a couple is on holiday on Mars and gets into trouble. Was a start of a Ice warrior story. Now the couple found some frozen ice warriors.. They're in TTTRRROOOUUBBBLLLEE.
Yuppers was real ice warriors. Wonder how the good Doctor comes into it. Ahh the Tardis took em there.
Without the good Dr knowing it. Oh its good the tourists didn't get dead.. They somehow got to be prisoners. There was a Marchon teraforming project but it got canceled. The good Dr likes the atmospheric reionizer for some reason tho.. I think thats what woke the giant ice warrior turtles up. Oh look at that harold the prisonor thinks he can send out some kinda message threw his hearing aid. Who Knew :D
Oops busted. The good Dr is getting questioned by the tour guide. OH its all based on the tour guides archilogical research. EEek security is being called.
Oh Harold got his MSG out. Ut oh he got busted.
Don't say that Harold they'll kill you and the wife. Silly Harold you should know betterer. Ouch that sounded painful. AAwww that poor man got killed. Poor Harold has guilt for that one now. Oh theres a hidden chamber. There you go the good Dr is doing a scan of the shuttle. And they show that they weren't human.
The good Dr wants to try to talk to the Ice Warriors. Wonder if he can get ahold of them. Rofl.. He just told them they were about to be invaded by martians. Hey I think I spelt that right. Oh dear Harold and the others are over heating. The ice warriors weren't happy about that.. Historic moment what a dork.. He wants the bad guys to visit o.O
The Ice Warriors want on the moon base or captives will die. Hey this chick sounds like Jane Way from star trek :D Oh ang on I hear swagbux has a free offer.
OOH NOOO they took Harold for execution. Sounds like the good Dr has taken a moon buggie to the shuttle. Who knew.. Oh dear there goes Harold I think. Hey no torchering Harold.. He didn't do nothing. The good Dr made it to the Ice Warriors.
Zaporized or zaporized what options.. Who knew..
Go chickie companion and help the good Dr. Your kidding me .. the password was password. Hey the professor isn't supposed to have a weapon.. that isn't right he used it on townsend.. Yea I know I probably spelled it wrong.. O.O eeek.. not sure who they killed.. It cant be the good Dr..
30 mins to go. What will happen. Harolds still alive but bleeding. Everyone on the shuttle is roasting to death.. One of the ice warriors have been hurt tho.
That lousy traitor turned Townsend in ... Oi .. Margaret thinks they won't make it. Woot the Dr has survived. Knew he couldn't be dead woot. Townsend is under lockdown. And Janeway sound alike wants to know all about the ice warriors.. The security leader wanted to know why the professor would want to disable the thingie they were using for a weapon.. I say its cause he wants to protect the last of the ice warriors.. Hell sounds like hes an ice warrior want to be.
Oh dear it sounds like the security team as perished and now they are trying to evacuate. Go get em Dr.
Ice warrior doesn't understand why the Dr didn't kill him. Oh the professor is up to no good.. Not sure what just sounds like he is. The good Dr depressurized the area and the ice warrors are having trouble breathing.. They want their world back and don't care if they kill to do it.. Well dang the Dr said that theres a few more of them in the asteroid belt and when they wake they leave and create a new home world.
Yup that professor is nuttsa. Hes shot the security chief. And lowered the temperature. All to study the live versions.. What a dork. The icy ones will deff kill him. The Twit.. Damn it.. Lost Net :(
Missing a good story I am... I think i'll have to listen tonight.
Well its a bit later.. The net was down for a bit... And the end of Doctor Who was missed.. Its on again at 6pm my time so hoping all goes well and it can be listened to again. Enquiring minds want to know what happend to the giant ice warrior turtles with attitude :D
Ok I think this is enough of a silly blog for today. I'll try for a more sensible one later on or tomorrow..
Byes for now.
Mike said hes mailed me a card today :) Some good.
I put the BBC on early so I can hear the last Dr Who.
Think I've decided no more myspace. None of the things I try to upload with HTML do NOT work. Gets a bit frustrating. I've facebooked,twittered, and now blogged today.
Last night I had gimp issues. For some reason no matter what I did it wouldn't work. The eraser refused to erase down to transparency. It erased the color. Oi. But nothing else. The weird thing is I tried today and it worked. Go figure.
Birds are driving us nuttsa. Non stop, LOUD, tweet tweet tweet. Free birds anyone? Keep threating to toss the 4 legged hairy monsters in the cage.
Aka the cats :D
This is weird. Not sure what I'm listening to on the BBC but its crazy. Kinda funny, but crazy. Oh it's "Elephants to Catch Eels."
Dr Who starts with the return of an old enemy.
Lets see what we hear. It's a BBC radio 4 program.
Sounds like a couple is on holiday on Mars and gets into trouble. Was a start of a Ice warrior story. Now the couple found some frozen ice warriors.. They're in TTTRRROOOUUBBBLLLEE.
Yuppers was real ice warriors. Wonder how the good Doctor comes into it. Ahh the Tardis took em there.
Without the good Dr knowing it. Oh its good the tourists didn't get dead.. They somehow got to be prisoners. There was a Marchon teraforming project but it got canceled. The good Dr likes the atmospheric reionizer for some reason tho.. I think thats what woke the giant ice warrior turtles up. Oh look at that harold the prisonor thinks he can send out some kinda message threw his hearing aid. Who Knew :D
Oops busted. The good Dr is getting questioned by the tour guide. OH its all based on the tour guides archilogical research. EEek security is being called.
Oh Harold got his MSG out. Ut oh he got busted.
Don't say that Harold they'll kill you and the wife. Silly Harold you should know betterer. Ouch that sounded painful. AAwww that poor man got killed. Poor Harold has guilt for that one now. Oh theres a hidden chamber. There you go the good Dr is doing a scan of the shuttle. And they show that they weren't human.
The good Dr wants to try to talk to the Ice Warriors. Wonder if he can get ahold of them. Rofl.. He just told them they were about to be invaded by martians. Hey I think I spelt that right. Oh dear Harold and the others are over heating. The ice warriors weren't happy about that.. Historic moment what a dork.. He wants the bad guys to visit o.O
The Ice Warriors want on the moon base or captives will die. Hey this chick sounds like Jane Way from star trek :D Oh ang on I hear swagbux has a free offer.
OOH NOOO they took Harold for execution. Sounds like the good Dr has taken a moon buggie to the shuttle. Who knew.. Oh dear there goes Harold I think. Hey no torchering Harold.. He didn't do nothing. The good Dr made it to the Ice Warriors.
Zaporized or zaporized what options.. Who knew..
Go chickie companion and help the good Dr. Your kidding me .. the password was password. Hey the professor isn't supposed to have a weapon.. that isn't right he used it on townsend.. Yea I know I probably spelled it wrong.. O.O eeek.. not sure who they killed.. It cant be the good Dr..
30 mins to go. What will happen. Harolds still alive but bleeding. Everyone on the shuttle is roasting to death.. One of the ice warriors have been hurt tho.
That lousy traitor turned Townsend in ... Oi .. Margaret thinks they won't make it. Woot the Dr has survived. Knew he couldn't be dead woot. Townsend is under lockdown. And Janeway sound alike wants to know all about the ice warriors.. The security leader wanted to know why the professor would want to disable the thingie they were using for a weapon.. I say its cause he wants to protect the last of the ice warriors.. Hell sounds like hes an ice warrior want to be.
Oh dear it sounds like the security team as perished and now they are trying to evacuate. Go get em Dr.
Ice warrior doesn't understand why the Dr didn't kill him. Oh the professor is up to no good.. Not sure what just sounds like he is. The good Dr depressurized the area and the ice warrors are having trouble breathing.. They want their world back and don't care if they kill to do it.. Well dang the Dr said that theres a few more of them in the asteroid belt and when they wake they leave and create a new home world.
Yup that professor is nuttsa. Hes shot the security chief. And lowered the temperature. All to study the live versions.. What a dork. The icy ones will deff kill him. The Twit.. Damn it.. Lost Net :(
Missing a good story I am... I think i'll have to listen tonight.
Well its a bit later.. The net was down for a bit... And the end of Doctor Who was missed.. Its on again at 6pm my time so hoping all goes well and it can be listened to again. Enquiring minds want to know what happend to the giant ice warrior turtles with attitude :D
Ok I think this is enough of a silly blog for today. I'll try for a more sensible one later on or tomorrow..
Byes for now.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Paint troubles
Back again... Yesterday was a technology hates me day... Paint was being a pita.. Lost a half a days work.. For some reason it saved wonkies.. It might have been the name i gave it.. I tried to give it +varamexia.com title when i saved it. I'm gonna try to add a pic.. Ang on.. it sooo didn't want to go where i wanted it to go... Not so sure but I think I will try to add the images near the end.. Sooo not going to make this more difficult at this point.. It has been a long day. Anyways since it save wonkies and was acting weird I closed out +paint.net. When I reopened it and a previously saved image I retyped in my settings. It went further down hill from there... Was same settings but nothing wanted to line up... So I cut the cord as Mike would say and started over..
The basics were easy enough... And in the end I saved myself alot of frustation. I still don't know why it wouldn't zoom in propperly... I know the image was alittle bigger but still.
Sasha got her +varamexia word done and I after the redo got the phrase done today. For the loves of the game:) Now that it has quieted down some here I can post the links... +Zazzle shop link is
+CafePress link is
Oh wait I think +CafePress has a sale going on.
Let me look it up... *Save 25% off orders of $40 or more on CafePress.com, excluding shipping charges, gift wrap charges, and applicable sales tax. Coupon code BIG25 must be entered at check out. Promotion starts on January 9, 2013, at 12:00 a.m. (PT) and ends on January 9, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. (PT). Offer only applies to orders from the CafePress Marketplace.
So just go to www.cafepress.com?aid=70693437 which takes you to the marketplace.. While there please type +Arwen's Graphic Designs into the search box at the marketplace or you can go to this link...
http://www.cafepress.com/+arwen's-graphic-designs+gifts?aid=70693437 Please remember that the marketplace is limited by the size of the image i put up. It uses that 1 image on all things.. Whether it looks good or not.. In the shop I'm more selective and make them fit or toss it if it doesn't.
If you see something at the marketplace you would like to fit better feel free to let me know... The varamexia.com one under special interests is an example of a request.. Now in this case we have the game owners permission. I can not do requests like this otherwise... I can do more personal requests that only you can see if interested please feel free to message me.
Wanted to mention before i stop for the night that a dear friend has lost her life shortly after Christmas when her home was invaded by robbers who attacked her and her family. You will be missed and I will always think of you as Aunt Sandy. +Sandra L Price
was there at the beginning of my paint and photo editing experiences. Mike and I did some good work on some personal photos for her.. It's how we started truly working together on photos.. He'd do a bit and send it to me.. I'd do a bit and send it back to him :D
The world haas lost a great lady. May the angels look out for you Sandy<3 font="font">3>
Now to post those photos...
The first will be a close up of one of the words so that you can see the detail i was trying to line up... When you fill something like that in it misses spots that you have to go in and fill 1 box at a time most times.. Hense the I wish the zoom was working...
The 2nd image will be the finished word art as Mike would say. It along with Sasha's Word art is on the items posted on the links above. Nos Da all and TTFN.
Oops ;) Decided at the last moment to add Sasha's hard work so the 3rd is that one.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Whats New
Okies I'm back again with the wonders of .. of... of...
of being creative I guess ;)
I have with Mikes help used gimp to cut back on a boxy background. Made a good bit of it transparent.
I think it looks alot better now. Managed to get it up in the +CafePress marketplace.
+ http://www.cafepress.com/+la_belle_bleue_tote_bag,766146486 this is the link until +CafePress oks the design.
+Zazzle is better about giving the ok on a product alot faster. +http://www.zazzle.com/la_belle_bleue-235838458236783069 she looks pretty good on a dark background :D
I still have advertising things to look into. But for right now i want to play with +GIMP a bit more. I forgot some of the different things you can do in it. It is how i got the background more transparent. Thanks Mike <3 a="a" aint.net="aint.net" an="an" away="away" does="does" easier="easier" far="far" fault="fault" fix="fix" font="font" for="for" free="free" from="from" gotten="gotten" have="have" i="i" is="is" it.="it." it="it" know="know" my="my" nbsp="nbsp" need.="need." not="not" other="other" pretty="pretty" program="program" s="s" t="t" that.="that." thought="thought" to="to" try="try" use.="use." ve="ve" well="well" what="what" will="will" wise.="wise." wouldn="wouldn">3>
I have other things to nail down. I still want a +Zazzle gadget on here for my shop. I will get it figured out eventually. TTFN
of being creative I guess ;)
I have with Mikes help used gimp to cut back on a boxy background. Made a good bit of it transparent.
I think it looks alot better now. Managed to get it up in the +CafePress marketplace.
+Zazzle is better about giving the ok on a product alot faster. +http://www.zazzle.com/la_belle_bleue-235838458236783069 she looks pretty good on a dark background :D
I still have advertising things to look into. But for right now i want to play with +GIMP a bit more. I forgot some of the different things you can do in it. It is how i got the background more transparent. Thanks Mike <3 a="a" aint.net="aint.net" an="an" away="away" does="does" easier="easier" far="far" fault="fault" fix="fix" font="font" for="for" free="free" from="from" gotten="gotten" have="have" i="i" is="is" it.="it." it="it" know="know" my="my" nbsp="nbsp" need.="need." not="not" other="other" pretty="pretty" program="program" s="s" t="t" that.="that." thought="thought" to="to" try="try" use.="use." ve="ve" well="well" what="what" will="will" wise.="wise." wouldn="wouldn">3>
I have other things to nail down. I still want a +Zazzle gadget on here for my shop. I will get it figured out eventually. TTFN
Sunday, January 6, 2013
referral link
I finally discovered my +zazzle.com/arwensgraphicdesigns referral link.
Which is
I'm gonna see what else i can suss.
Was looking at shop customization and discovered referrals. I still haven't figured out gadgets and or widgets on here.. it's fine if it's one of the blogger ones.. But if I try for +CafePress or +Zazzle and they don't do what I need. Hope there's a way to figure it out. Still looking into it.
Things to do.
Which is
I'm gonna see what else i can suss.
Was looking at shop customization and discovered referrals. I still haven't figured out gadgets and or widgets on here.. it's fine if it's one of the blogger ones.. But if I try for +CafePress or +Zazzle and they don't do what I need. Hope there's a way to figure it out. Still looking into it.
Things to do.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Okies folks I think I've got some of this blogger thing figured out. Didn't get what I wanted to accomplish yesterday because I wasn't feeling good. Hate when that happens. Anyways today a bit has been accomplished. Sasha has gotten a little more done on her +Varamexia.com project. She is trying to make fire letters for the word. It's coming along.
I managed to finally get the folders up on our +zazzle.com/arwensgraphicdesigns* site.
I wonder why somethings go wonkies. I mean just now it says my +Zazzle link isn't a good link. GRRRRR!! Well worse case type it in folks ;)
Oh let me try something...
Ok that seems to have worked..
So is it the http or the www. that worked??
Who knows...
Take a look at it anyways. I like the top picks feature.
It shows 3 of our designs and rotates them.
Wish it did that with more than 3.
I took down our La Belle Bleue design on the shirt.
I did put it back up on a mug. All on the +Zazzle shop. Mike thinks that its to boxy. I agree. That's why i fade the boarder a bit. He thinks make it a bit more like a silhouette. Need to work on that next.
And can I say that silhouette word is a pita to spell...
D got me into +inboxdollars.com Shes actually gotten checks from it so I'm gonna give it a go.
http://www.inboxdollars.com/?r=ref13241882 is my
referral link. Feel free to check it out. I do not recommend the games unless you have money to put into it. I don't have the money to do that and even if I did I probably wouldn't.
Mike found us another site to check out. I haven't had the chance to check it out yet. But I want to.
http://www.photoboxgallery.com/content/sell-books It looks promising and from what Sasha said it has more than just photo books.
I want to get more sci fi on both sites and the ladies of the 1920's that mike found for me. It all takes alot of time. Hope it starts paying off soon. I don't expect to get rich but a few bux wouldn't hurt. The hard part is getting our sites out there for people to see. All this is something constructive to do if nothing else in the midst of the job hunt. Wish I could make a go of the shops so the job hunt could come to a close. I enjoy the photo editing and graphic designing. I'm good at it. It's just getting others to see that i guess ;)
Think that's it for now..
Till next time...
I managed to finally get the folders up on our +zazzle.com/arwensgraphicdesigns* site.
I wonder why somethings go wonkies. I mean just now it says my +Zazzle link isn't a good link. GRRRRR!! Well worse case type it in folks ;)
Oh let me try something...
Ok that seems to have worked..
So is it the http or the www. that worked??
Who knows...
Take a look at it anyways. I like the top picks feature.
It shows 3 of our designs and rotates them.
Wish it did that with more than 3.
I took down our La Belle Bleue design on the shirt.
I did put it back up on a mug. All on the +Zazzle shop. Mike thinks that its to boxy. I agree. That's why i fade the boarder a bit. He thinks make it a bit more like a silhouette. Need to work on that next.
And can I say that silhouette word is a pita to spell...
D got me into +inboxdollars.com Shes actually gotten checks from it so I'm gonna give it a go.
http://www.inboxdollars.com/?r=ref13241882 is my
referral link. Feel free to check it out. I do not recommend the games unless you have money to put into it. I don't have the money to do that and even if I did I probably wouldn't.
Mike found us another site to check out. I haven't had the chance to check it out yet. But I want to.
http://www.photoboxgallery.com/content/sell-books It looks promising and from what Sasha said it has more than just photo books.
I want to get more sci fi on both sites and the ladies of the 1920's that mike found for me. It all takes alot of time. Hope it starts paying off soon. I don't expect to get rich but a few bux wouldn't hurt. The hard part is getting our sites out there for people to see. All this is something constructive to do if nothing else in the midst of the job hunt. Wish I could make a go of the shops so the job hunt could come to a close. I enjoy the photo editing and graphic designing. I'm good at it. It's just getting others to see that i guess ;)
Think that's it for now..
Till next time...
Friday, January 4, 2013
I'm Back updated
Hello all... I'm BBBAAAACCCCKKK!!!
It's been a long time. Mike and I should
both get back into blogging. He says it is good
advertising for our shops. He said that a few years
ago too. Alot of bad and good has gone on threw
the past few years. Kinda got away from blogging
for various reasons. Good reason is need net and
that wasn't always a had even tho it was a want ;)
Anyways still a paint.net and gimp junkie.
We both do. Closed up the facebook shop
due to same said net issues. But have a few others
to share with you that we've along with our friend
Sasha have been working on. Still photo editing wiz's as well. We haven't gotten our
off the ground. Just to much of one of those
bad times at the time we really wanted to work on it.
But feel free and take a look at what is up.
Any questions or want to have a photo edited
or fixed up just message us at
Which leads me to the shops.
There's two sites we are working on and
learning as we go. Is a work in progress,
but we have some good designs up.
And I think we come up with some good ideas.
I'm not sure if Mike is gonna start up his blog
again or not but just in case its
I think his nieces feet cheese story is funny :D
Which leads me to a couple of happy moments
of the past few years. I'm a new auntie. My sister
has had two beautiful little girls, Gracie Mae and Abigale Marie. Now its just getting good pictures :D
If yall haven't noticed by now i tend to ramble.
Forgive me ;)
Anyways as I mentioned earlier we have a couple
of shops I want to post here. It is where all our
images and pictures have been going lately.
Even had a few sales. Our +Welsh red dragon is our most popular design so far. Shame yall missed our
Christmas ones. They are hidden away till next year.
Had a good mix of tradtional and sassy I thought.
Alot of that is thanks to +Sasha Mkai and +Micky Manymoons. Thanks guys. Couldn't do it without you.
Now our shops are at two sites right now.
And as I said the shops themselves are works
in progress. That is because we try to work on
the shop and get our designs out there. Takes time.
Right now we go threw +cafepress.com and +zazzle.com.
+Cafepress has two links I want to share with you. The first one is the market place. That is where they do all their sales and they pretty much will put any design uploaded on any item they have. Whether it looks good or not.. Which is what I find frustrating. It ruins the look of some of the designs. And people don't realize they can go to my actual shop to see them better on different items. I fuss untill they look good on an item or I take it down. That's just how I
am. I feel if it doesn't look good and I do not like it
why would anyone else. Anyways you can go to
+www.cafepress.com and search for
+Arwen's Graphic Designs.
It mixes things up more going that way. And you can see the sales on the home page. You can also find us by this link
That link shows you The design first. Then you can click on the design and see it on different items.
Any sales code posted should work for the marketplace part of the shop.
Now I do not know why +cafepress has it set up like this but they do. Go figure. I with considerable time, effort and some help from +Sasha and Mike have gotten the shop itself looking presentable. We are still trying to suss pricing so if you see something and not sure about the price just msg at the previous posted email and will look into and get back to you. +Cafepress has good quality products so are a bit pricey to begin with, so only have alittle lee way there.
And yes I have seen their products personally. They
do good work :) Our site +cafepress premium shop link is
Now that was +cafepress. This is +zazzle.
+Zazzle is a new site we found and are still
learning. Trying to get signs up now actually.
And getting organized. Trying to tie the two shops loosely together with kinda the same look.
+zazzle is set up a bit different. Again pricey but
looks like good quality items. Love the fact you can make your own +postage stamps or purchase one of ours. Can make 1 shirt and it can go on 90 odd different others if you click on certain options.
Saves a little time at +zazzle.com. Our +zazzle shop url is
Feel free to come and take a look at any of our shops or sites. Questions, comments, suggestions always welcome. If there is something you would like up feel free to ask. We do remembrance things as well on both sites.
Fixing up the sites is something that does not come easy for me. With help I am giving it my best to fuss with the ebil +HTML and things like google analytics.
I try to post on +facebook regularly to get our products out there. I even redid a +myspace page.
Hmm where did I put that link. I still have to go back and work on that too. It kinda got back burnered
for more important things. Its a way to advertise and get our shops out there tho. That is what is so hard to do. Getting our shops noticed and out there.
Okies i think that is good for my first ramble in years.
I'll be back to keep yall posted on things as we go.
This blog was #1 on my list of things to do today.
#2 is getting my folders on the zazzle shop settled.
+Sasha's is trying to do word art for a game we like to play. The owner of the game gave us permission to make shirts, mugs and other items for his game.
Hey why say no to free advertising? The game is
So for those who play it keep an eye out for a Mexia shirt of your very own. Ut has set it up that it is invitation only. Sorry folks but blame it on the trouble makers. Hacking a game isn't cool. We who can invite are responsible for who ever joins under our names now. So as you can understand we will not be handing out invites unless we know you. Tho if you are someone we know and are interested in the game yall know how to get ahold of one of us.
Till next time. Bye bye for now.
It's been a long time. Mike and I should
both get back into blogging. He says it is good
advertising for our shops. He said that a few years
ago too. Alot of bad and good has gone on threw
the past few years. Kinda got away from blogging
for various reasons. Good reason is need net and
that wasn't always a had even tho it was a want ;)
Anyways still a paint.net and gimp junkie.
We both do. Closed up the facebook shop
due to same said net issues. But have a few others
to share with you that we've along with our friend
Sasha have been working on. Still photo editing wiz's as well. We haven't gotten our
off the ground. Just to much of one of those
bad times at the time we really wanted to work on it.
But feel free and take a look at what is up.
Any questions or want to have a photo edited
or fixed up just message us at
Which leads me to the shops.
There's two sites we are working on and
learning as we go. Is a work in progress,
but we have some good designs up.
And I think we come up with some good ideas.
I'm not sure if Mike is gonna start up his blog
again or not but just in case its
I think his nieces feet cheese story is funny :D
Which leads me to a couple of happy moments
of the past few years. I'm a new auntie. My sister
has had two beautiful little girls, Gracie Mae and Abigale Marie. Now its just getting good pictures :D
If yall haven't noticed by now i tend to ramble.
Forgive me ;)
Anyways as I mentioned earlier we have a couple
of shops I want to post here. It is where all our
images and pictures have been going lately.
Even had a few sales. Our +Welsh red dragon is our most popular design so far. Shame yall missed our
Christmas ones. They are hidden away till next year.
Had a good mix of tradtional and sassy I thought.
Alot of that is thanks to +Sasha Mkai and +Micky Manymoons. Thanks guys. Couldn't do it without you.
Now our shops are at two sites right now.
And as I said the shops themselves are works
in progress. That is because we try to work on
the shop and get our designs out there. Takes time.
Right now we go threw +cafepress.com and +zazzle.com.
+Cafepress has two links I want to share with you. The first one is the market place. That is where they do all their sales and they pretty much will put any design uploaded on any item they have. Whether it looks good or not.. Which is what I find frustrating. It ruins the look of some of the designs. And people don't realize they can go to my actual shop to see them better on different items. I fuss untill they look good on an item or I take it down. That's just how I
am. I feel if it doesn't look good and I do not like it
why would anyone else. Anyways you can go to
+www.cafepress.com and search for
+Arwen's Graphic Designs.
It mixes things up more going that way. And you can see the sales on the home page. You can also find us by this link
That link shows you The design first. Then you can click on the design and see it on different items.
Any sales code posted should work for the marketplace part of the shop.
Now I do not know why +cafepress has it set up like this but they do. Go figure. I with considerable time, effort and some help from +Sasha and Mike have gotten the shop itself looking presentable. We are still trying to suss pricing so if you see something and not sure about the price just msg at the previous posted email and will look into and get back to you. +Cafepress has good quality products so are a bit pricey to begin with, so only have alittle lee way there.
And yes I have seen their products personally. They
do good work :) Our site +cafepress premium shop link is
Now that was +cafepress. This is +zazzle.
+Zazzle is a new site we found and are still
learning. Trying to get signs up now actually.
And getting organized. Trying to tie the two shops loosely together with kinda the same look.
+zazzle is set up a bit different. Again pricey but
looks like good quality items. Love the fact you can make your own +postage stamps or purchase one of ours. Can make 1 shirt and it can go on 90 odd different others if you click on certain options.
Saves a little time at +zazzle.com. Our +zazzle shop url is
Feel free to come and take a look at any of our shops or sites. Questions, comments, suggestions always welcome. If there is something you would like up feel free to ask. We do remembrance things as well on both sites.
Fixing up the sites is something that does not come easy for me. With help I am giving it my best to fuss with the ebil +HTML and things like google analytics.
I try to post on +facebook regularly to get our products out there. I even redid a +myspace page.
Hmm where did I put that link. I still have to go back and work on that too. It kinda got back burnered
for more important things. Its a way to advertise and get our shops out there tho. That is what is so hard to do. Getting our shops noticed and out there.
Okies i think that is good for my first ramble in years.
I'll be back to keep yall posted on things as we go.
This blog was #1 on my list of things to do today.
#2 is getting my folders on the zazzle shop settled.
+Sasha's is trying to do word art for a game we like to play. The owner of the game gave us permission to make shirts, mugs and other items for his game.
Hey why say no to free advertising? The game is
So for those who play it keep an eye out for a Mexia shirt of your very own. Ut has set it up that it is invitation only. Sorry folks but blame it on the trouble makers. Hacking a game isn't cool. We who can invite are responsible for who ever joins under our names now. So as you can understand we will not be handing out invites unless we know you. Tho if you are someone we know and are interested in the game yall know how to get ahold of one of us.
Till next time. Bye bye for now.
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