
Monday, August 9, 2010

Site again

Christy has been a great help with the html on our site. Tis late and i need to get my head down but wanted to post this link one more time.     Hope you all like it. Now it is just getting started. Lots of work still to go. Take a look and let us know what you think.

Woot Site Is Up

Woot!!! We got the site up. It is just a start. Only the homepage can be seen at the moment. Please take a look :)
None of the links will work. We will get it all working soon as we can. Thanks alot Christy :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Domain names and other stuff

Well what a day huh? Boychilds computer was actin wonkie. I managed to get his WOW working and did a system restore. I'm afraid at some point he will have to wipe it. He meaning I will have to wipe it oi. I am playing with font color. Will know if I like it once i've posted this. Mike and I now have a domain name. Oi what a pita that was. I think tomorrows fun part is web hosting. It should be interesting. I have faith we'll sus it. Christy has been a big help threw all of this. I was playin in paint today. I think i made some lovely pictures. Mike and Rich seem to like them anyways.
Let me post one for you.

I thought it turned out pretty cool. Tomorrow after appointment it's sus domains and hosting. Fun fun fun huh? I need to find a site to put these pictures up. I think they are lovely photos and I can't wait to share them. A little bit of money doesnt hurt either. It sure would help out. Anyways thats enough for now. Catch you all later.

Shop is started

Well folks I finally manged with help to open my facebook shop :) 
Thanks alot Christy :) 
Please take a look.
Di's shop

You have to have a facebook account i believe.
Just go to
It's free to sign up.

Now it's off to see what kind of trouble i can get myself into in paint and gimp.
Waiting on Mike. He is supposed to show me some gimp techniques.
Oh please forgive my spelling. Never said i could spell. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Was playing in paint

I was playing in paint off and on today. That's my short way of saying being creative with and gimp.
Both are good photo editing software. They are also good if u want to just fiddle around and make something on your own.I've done avitar pictures, fixed up photographs, edited out backgrounds. There's alot you can do with both programs. I like pdn aka myself. Mike likes gimp. He is supposed to show me some things on gimp tomorrow. It is more complex than pdn. I think i will add a photo to this. Just give me a moment.

Now i realize it has sample right across it. I just dont think its polite for just anyone to come along and nick my photos. If interested in purchasing it please let me know. This photo is just one of many I've created tonight. Believe it or not it is actually a picture of a place in Belgium. I got alittle creative with it. I'm still working on finding sites to host our pictures and getting my store going. Alot to do. Nos da for now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Busy busy

There is so much  to do. It is hard to get half of what I want done into one day.  Have a goal.  I want to reach it.  Mike has been playing with gimp again. I love the changes he can do in a picture. He makes it look so easy. I would add a picture or two now but I do not want someone coming along and taking it. I'll try to add it tomorrow. Shall see if I find the time. Here's hoping we get one step closer tomorrow. Nos Da = welsh goodnight

Sample picture

Well as we can see. I wasn't happy with my first page. So it got changed. I've been playing in paint this morning. Well last night to but I wasn't to happy with those results. I want to try and post a picture. Lets see if it works.

It is supposed to be animated. I hope it works. Now its time to research mode the online shop i want to start up.